Call City Council

Call the Land Use Committee: Get TOPA on the Agenda ASAP!

Rigel Robinson: (510) 981-7170

Phone Script

My name is [NAME] and I am a resident of Berkeley from [DISTRICT NUMBER].

I am calling to urge you as the chair of the Land Use, Housing & Economic Development Committee to place the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) ordinance on the agenda as soon as possible. The time is now to address anti-displacement protections and create viable pathways to homeownership within our community.

TOPA offers a triple-win solution, benefitting tenants, property owners, and the community at large. It safeguards tenants from displacement and creates a pathway to ownership, provides property owners with fair offers from trusted individuals instead of low-ball cash offers from outside investors, and ensures a more cohesive and vibrant community.

Berkeley faces a critical need for policies like TOPA that directly address the escalating challenges posed by a speculative and volatile housing market. The implementation of this act would serve as a beacon of hope, offering tangible support to the community and paving the way for a more secure, inclusive, and fair housing landscape.

Please do not delay TOPA any further; place it on the Land Use Committee agenda immediately. Your support for this vital policy is crucial in safeguarding the future of our community.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue.